Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Dark Iron Pulverizer

There I was, on the ah looking for the plans for mithrill spurs to power level my Blacksmith when all of a sudden I come across Plans: Dark Iron Pulverizer.

I think "man that's one badass hammer, I would be invincible in battle grounds on my warrior If I had one of those" and that's all it took for me to go on a 3 hour long journey to obtain said hammer.

The mats for the hammer are 18 dark iron bars and 4 heart of fires, which is really easy to obtain. Or so I thought.

The heart of fires was easy but the dark iron is a real pain. turns out it takes 8 dark iron ores to make one dark iron bar. So I go on the Auction House and buy all the dark iron I can find. I needed 144 dark iron ores to make one hammer, and after buying all the ore off the ah I had about 70. No there is no way in hell I'm gonna go farm this stuff so I ask in trade "WTB dark iron ore/bar" and I get one reply from someone who just happened to have a large stash of the stuff and was willing to sell for less than what I paid for the Auction house ores. So now I have exactly 288 dark iron bars and I've spent about 400g.

Now to smelt the things.

My miner is my dk who was level 72 at the time. So I look online to find out how to smelt the stuff and you have to do this quest in BRD to learn how to do it, and you can only smelt it in BRD at the very end of the instance. All I can say is good thing that my miner was also my blacksmith so I didn't have to do the stupid quest for the key (which you don't need anymore since the shattering) because I have all those skeleton keys. After another hour and a half of running through BRD I finally had the dark iron bars for my hammer (I had enough for 2 of them actually to sell one in the ah and one for my warrior, which I completely forgot about until I wrote this and is the first thing I'm gonna do after I post this). Then I realized you  can only make the hammer in BRD. Imagine my face when I found out about this after I had already hearth to dal.

So back to BRD to make the hammer's. After another half hour of flying and running though that awful place I finally had my super awesome OP hammer of awesomesause. I send one to my warrior and promptly que up for a battle ground to rock some faces.

After one battle ground with the hammer I got bored of it and I haven't used it since.

Now whats the point of my adventure with a stupid hammer that never procs?

That when I get an idea, no matter how stupid, I go all out on it.
No but really it's that people will be willing to pay a lot for something like this just because it looks cool, and it's a pain to obtain. Kind of like how some people run scarlet monastery just to get Ravager because it gives a Bladestorm effect.( and yes I do have it for that very reason)

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