Monday, November 8, 2010

Engineering= Awesome gold making

This is my first blog post and I plan on updating this daily or when ever I get the chance with helpful tips and even some tricks on how to make more gold than you already have (obviously). Well to get started I'm going to start off with my all time favorite profession in wow Engineering.

Now despite the title, Engineering is not all that great for making gold. But it is really fun to run super fast off the side of buildings and parachuting over miles safely to the ground,(that is of course you don't open your parachute to early and die). It can make you some viable gold.

First off is Adamantite Frame. Adamantite Frame's are used in some quest and as mats for a couple of engineering items. For some reason, even though all engineer's can make it and pretty easily, it sells for way more than it cost to make. On my server I sell them for about 130g each and sell quiet a few of them on a regular basis.

Scopes, oddly enough, are my second big seller's. Sun Scope, and Heartseeker Scope, with Heartseeker's selling more frequently than the Sun Scopes. People are getting new weapons everyday and these sell to hunters mainly, and sometimes warriors who want a pretty scope on there weapon.

Lastly, we have the many pets engineers can make. Mainly Mechanical Squirrel Box, Lil' Smoky, Pet Bombling ,and Tranquil Mechanical Yeti . And if your lucky Lifelike Mechanical Toad . The lil' smoky, pet bombling and yeti sell the best and you can just ignore the squirrel if you wan to save time since it's pretty easy to make and obtain.

And that's all there really is to making gold with engineering. I got into playing the AH by selling Iceblade arrows, but ammo is gone now (thank god lol) .

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