Tuesday, November 16, 2010

King Slayer

After a couple of months of raiding I finally got my king slayer title, a couple of weeks before cata. While I was leveling one of my alts my friend sends me a message asking If I will come heal for a sindy kill. I said why not, the servers reset tomorrow.So I hop over and bring my priest to the sindy fight and ended up going shadow because we were going for a zerg kill and I was the only healer with a dps off spec, well a good dps off spec (I was #2 in dps in the fight right after the mage). Then I went back to heals on my priest. We had a lot of wipes on lk, and one of the druids in the group said he would hop over on his holy pally because one of the tanks kept on dieing during the valk stage of the fight. And I went shadow because once again, I was the only healer with a dps off sec. And we got the kill that attempt. :)

(I wish I had got it on my hunter though :( )

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