Saturday, July 9, 2011

Le sigh

2 weeks into firelands and I haven't been making nearly as much as I thought I would.
Let me put it to you this way.

I am in charge of our guilds bank, and our guild is the 2nd or 3rd largest guild on our server, and we have 3 10-man teams that need fish and gems/scrolls/flask and what not. so I know what guilds need when they are getting ready for raids. so I stocked up like crazy on everything (man I wish i had a screen shot to put here) and had one huge ass stockpile for the next patch. Then when patch dropped I sold a ton of gems and enchants like i knew I would, but not as much as I thought I would.

I mean i ran out of greater eternal essences, and maelstrom crystals,but I didn't really stock up heavy on them. I had about 150 essences, no were near enough. but the thing is, I barley ran out, like yesterday. It seems either more people have entered the market, or more people prepared for the patch, which I know is not true.

Funny thing is, I know a lot of the compition :)
(maybe if I actually undercut them I would make amazing profits)

Any way, I had about 400 inferno ruby's pre-patch, and now I have about 100 left, but thats 2 weeks later, weird O.o .

Also a lot of the new items are gatted by the new daily quest, which I still have yet to do >:D
(maybe those will be money makers?)

or the new crafted gear that requires the raid only drops, I wonder if anyone would buy those considering how mush they cost. I know I won't make any yet, well not until more guild have more than 3 bosses down.

Well to conclude what ever it is I was talking about, this patch was no glyphmas :/

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Sales report 5-14-2011

Well I'm a little late on this.
Week 2 after the patch and sales are already declining. but to be honest I kind of ran out of stock lol.
So I bought a ton of crap and I'm a little overstocked now, but thats a good thing I guess. I tried a little trick in the glyph market that gave me some small profits, but it was interesting, I'll have to write about it.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

weekly sales report

Well this was the screen shot I took before I went on a spending spree. I spent about 60k of that so my profits were very minimal.

Seems like gems are selling out like crazy, as are enchanting scrolls. I have been able to sell a few scrolls that use maelstrom crystals, which is a good sign, enchanting might become more vauable.

I started selling potions to see if it's worth it. I have 3 alchemist and before I had two transmute specs and one elixir spec,  so i just changed one of my transmutes to a potion master to see if it was worth it. the answer?
yes and no.
the potions sale Farley well but the mats take up so much bag space, and they take forever to make.
Potion saleing is equivalent to bags pretty much. I sell them when i have the time or if I get a hold of cheap mats.

I'm also going to see if the turbo charged flying machine is worth adding to my list. I've made one so far yesterday and I will post about it when it sales and how long it took, and for what profit. I know it will sale if it's priced fairly reasonable, because I know i would have bought one on the ah if I had found one instead of going through the hell that was making one.
Mecho-hogs sell nicely too, and for a good profit since my engineer is a goblin with a lv25 guild.(30% discount on the vendor mats) I think these are saleing well because of the inflation that is cataclysm. The people that wanted the hogs in wrath but could not afford them are buying them with their new high incomes.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Finally reach 200k

I'm at 230k right now but 200k is a good land mark, I'm at the old gold cap now and working on the new one. currently I net about 50-80k a week in profits.
50k is the norm to be around from week to week and rarely i reach 80k.

I'm almost done leveling my bs/lw, then i will officially be in every market and dominated the ah bwahahah.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Weekly data report 4/11

So close to 200k :)
So I might be at 200k by next week. Considering that I was at 100k last week i think it has been a good week for me :0.

Now how did i get so much this week and not last?
Well i started selling even more stuff, and cut back on my flask because flask are not so great to sell. they often sell for less than what it cost to make.
I also sold a mecho-hog, that was a nice 5k profit right there
otherwise i think it has something to do with it being the darkmoon fair this week.
whatever it was I made a 70k profit this week.
That profit is after my weekly purchases for next week. That means all my gems/herbs/volitile ect, that i need for next week I have already bought and has been subtracted from my Revenue. So I have made a total of a 70k profit for this week. not to bad if I should say so for myself.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Weekly data report

Woot 3k profit for the week. Of course thats because I bought about 35k worth of ores a couple days ago, in including to my normal restock. I should have a higher profit margin next week.

Monday, February 28, 2011

How I got started

Well back in wrath about 3 months before cata came out I decided to get serious about making gold because the game was getting really boring because it was almost the end of wrath. I think I started a little to late to make serious money in wrath but early enough to prepare for cata.

I had my first ah experience though when I first started playing.

I had my little lv.30 hunter who was able to buy his first mount, but i didn't have the 40 gold for it. My hunter was a skinner/lw but I had no clue how to level my lw so it was at level 1 still and i had my skinning maxed for my level (I later learned that you had to go to your spell book and open your profession tab in order to level it lol). So I had a lot of leather on me that I was just vendoring because i had no clue how to use it. So it occured to me to try and sell the leather in the auction house that was in Thunder Bluff. So I ran back as fast as aspect of the cheetah and the flyt point would take me.Then I listed all my leather for about 1 silver less than what other people had it at. And what do you know, I sold all of it and made a cool 10g (which was an amazing amount for me back then, which was around patch 3.1)
   So I found an awesome place to make gold way faster than I had been making it before. But there was a problem in that I had to fly back to TB every time I wanted to post my leather. So I had this brilliant idea that I thought was the absolute smartest thing ever. Make a new character and run them to TB and leave them there and just mail my leather to him and have him post my stuff. Then later I figured out almost everyone does this too >:D.
So I had my first banker alt who sold all my awesome leather in the ah for me.In about 2 weeks and 6 levels later I had my gold for my 40g training, and 10g for the mount.

Later I dropped lw for engineering because I heard engineers could make there own mounts. Then I dropped skinning at lv68 for mining to supply my engineering.

When icc dropped there were tons of people asking for "rep runs" and I had just hit 80 like 2 weeks before it came out so I went in on a couple of those. I got honored and used my first 23 frost badges to buy a primordial saronite to make my own arrows. Then I started selling my arrows on the ah and sold them out very often. That's when I started to look at other stuff that sells well, and apparently mining and engineering are not the best professions to make gold. so I made my lv65 dk a miner, because minig did make money, just not very good money, and made my hunter a jc. and well the rest is history

Now I have 2 JC, a scribe, enchanter, 3 alchemist, a miner, a tailoring, and a bs friend who makes my belt buckles.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Everything I sell

Well I sell glyphs, gems, and scrolls. And a lot of other stuff.

Jewel Crafting:

All cata blue gems.
All cata meta gems
Some wrath meta's


All glyphs
Mysterious Fortune cards
Notched Jaw Bone
Silver inlaid leaf
Tattooed eyeball

 Enchant Weapon - Lifestealing
Enchant Weapon - Mighty Intellect
Enchant Weapon - Agility
Enchant Weapon - Strength
Enchant Chest - Major Health
Enchant Weapon - Fiery Weapon Enchant 2H Weapon - Agility
Enchant Weapon - Berserking
Enchant Weapon - Mighty Spellpower
Enchant Weapon - Mongoose
Enchant Chest - Greater Stats
Enchant Weapon - Crusader
Enchant Weapon - Icy Chill
Enchant Boots - Minor Speed
Enchant Weapon - Unholy Weapon
Enchant staff - Greater spellpower
Enchant - Hurricane
Enchant - Heartsong
Enchant chest - Major mana
Enchant off hand - Superior Intellect
Enchant bracer - Precision
Enchant boots - Precision
Gloves - Precision
Enchant weapon - Black magic
2H - Massacre
Gloves - Armsman
Bracers - Speed
Bracer - Superior spellpower
Boots - Haste
Chest - Mighty stats
Gloves - Haste
Boots - Tuskar's vitality
Shield - Stamina
Shield - Greater Intellect
Enchant Boots - Earthen Vitality
Enchant 2H Weapon - Mighty Agility
Enchant Weapon - Exceptional Agility
(still more to add)


Ebonsteel Belt Buckle


Pet Bombling
Lil' Smoky
Personal World Destroyer
Tranquil Mechanical Yeti
De-Weaponized Mechanical Companion
Adamantite Frame


Flask of Flowing Water
Flask of Stellskin
Flask of Draconic Mind
Flask of Winds
Flask of Titanic Strength
Mythical Mana Potions
Potions of Concentrations

AH is booming

The photo says I made 17k, but I closed the window by accident and it reset the amount for the night. I made close to 21k in the 5 hours of usual raid time on tuesday. And I made about 15k the following two nights. I'm gonna have to make a post on everything I sell.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Data report week 1

I'm gonna restart my data reports to keep track on my progress.
Well As you can see from the screen shot I had a really good week. I made 150k and spent 160k, So I'm a little in the red, but that's because I spent so much of it on 3 epics, one for 25k, 16k, and 16k.  I fI have another week like this I should be back up to 100k. And I gotta say, gems and belt buckles are selling like hot cakes. Seriously I can't keep stock of either. I go through a couple of stacks of belt buckles every day, and I go through 5 of each gem I can make everyday. and I'm making huge profits on these so I'm making a ton.

Friday, January 14, 2011

AH glyph experiment concluded

Well my "experiment" has ended
I was trying to rise the average price of glyphs on my server, which I did.

mission accomplished

The screen shot above is about people in trade chat complaining about how high glyph prices are, and some one saying how they don't post any glyphs for more than 50g. I don't know why they don't post glyphs for more than 50 gold since they cost at least 55g to make. I just don't understand people sometimes. And yes I am making a killing buying glyphs for below material cost and re saleing them for 5 times what they are worth.

Any way I tried to raise the average prices of glyphs and I did. You see the person in trade said they are trying to keep the prices low and only selling for less than 50. Well When I started this 50 gold was about the max you could hope to sell a glyph for, even though they cost 55 gold to make. Now over half of the glyphs in the AH are posted for over 200 gold (/pats self on back).

Thursday, January 6, 2011

AH Glyph experiment update

So I have been trying to raise the average prices of glyphs lately on my server by posting glyphs at around 200g each. They cost about 45g to make with the crazy herbs prices atm so I can afford to sell them cheaper, I just don't want too. I sell more glyphs than anyone else on my server, but I only supply about 20% of the total glyph market, so there are a lot of people posting small batches of glyphs.

Now the reason I tell you this is because in order to raise the prices, I have to have all the other people who post small batches to comply. So lets say for example there is no glyph of Rune Strike on the auction house. So I post 2-3 at 225g each. No I know I'm going to get under cut because there is no way I'm going to sell all 3 of them, and I don't need to. If I just sell one of them, that pays for the cost of making the other two plus profit. Now lets say some one else comes in a post 1 Glyph of Rune Strike at 224g99s. Now that is what I want to happen. Eventually I will have a post of all glyphs at 225g and mine will be the only one available, so when people under cut me the glyph price will only go down a silver or a couple of gold, which is ok because it will eventually go back to 225g.

Now this is what I don't want to happen. I post said glyph at 225g, then someone else comes by and post said glyph at 60g. They will still make a profit selling it at 60g, but they could have made a lot more by just undercutting me a couple of gold. Now I can always just go in and buy the one glyph for 60g and re post it for 225 and still make a big profit, which I do if I catch them in time. But sadly I just don't want to sit in front of the ah all day watching glyphs, so other people under that 60g and soon enough there will be 10 glyphs all under 60g, and I'm not going to buy them all out.

But since their are just a bunch of small batch posters on my server this doesn't happen all to often. Also the number 2 supplier on my server  undercuts me by 1s, which is awesome, and his Fall back price is about the same as mine.

I saw this advertisement in trade chat the other day that just made me smile
"Tired of paying over 200g for a glyph in today's inflated market? Well I have 100 various glyphs posted in the Auction House for under 50g. get them now before they run out!!"