Friday, December 31, 2010

AH Glyph experiment

This week I tried to see if I could raise the average price of glyphs on my server.

On monday I was looking through the ah glyphs to see which ones were not on the ah and which ones only had like 1 or 2 posted at low prices so I could buy them out and re post higher. Then I saw this guy posting glyphs for 250 gold,and he was the only seller. I then thought "there's no way someone would buy a glyph for that much, the highest I've ever sold one for was like 125g" then it hit me. "they would buy it if all other glyphs were in the same price range, and if it was the only one on the ah" so I went through the ah and bought all glyphs that had 5 or less glyphs in it's market for under 50g, and re posted them in batches of 5 for 225g each, just to see if they would sell. And did they ever. When I checked my AH toon a couple of hours later to post gems I had over 6000 gold waiting for me in my mailbox, 90% of it was from glyphs. Then I checked my AH post and had about another 20 items that were sold but in que to pay me and more than half of them were glyphs that I had reposted at 225g and the other ones were at 50g and above.

  I had a huge success on the first day of trying this that i repeated the process the next day and day after. I didn't make as much as I did the first time I did it but I was raising the prices of glyphs witch was my intended goal.

  Then I thought it would be awesome to buy all the "of waves" cards to make the tsunami deck for my priest, that pretty much ended my glyph experiment. after I had the tsunami deck, and volcano deck (might as well get both right?) I was pretty broke and I could not afford to experiment with my gold until I had a safe nest egg to fall back on just in case.

  A couple days after I stopped, glyph prices dropped back down to almost were they were before I started. It seems like they sell for a little more on average than they use to, but for all I know they will drop back down to were 100g is a lot for a glyph again. It seemed like my idea to try and raise the glyph prices was working, which I did not think it would. I thought as soon as I posted them at 225g each other people would undercut me by about 150g to 75g, and mine would be the only ones listed at above 200g. But that was not true, people would undercut me by the normal 1g, or 1 silver like I hoped they would.

I do plan on trying this experiment again but with a little more organization and planning. I supply roughly 20% of the glyphs in the glyph market, and sometimes 50% depending on the week, so I do have an influence over the prices on my server. I think If I check what the average glyph sells for for a week and then the average price after I try to raise the price again that might work. Also I need to have a huge stockpile of all glyphs.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Cata proffesions so far

Every since cata came out I've spent close to 100k gold, and I've made not nearly as much because instead of farming i decided to level professions, which was a good move :)

So far I have 3 maxed transmute spec alchemist maxed and 2 maxed JC's. Today when I did my 3 truegold cooldowns I got 2 1 procs. So instead of getting 3 truegolds I got 5, and sell each for 1300g, which is really nice. Also the only reason I have 2 jc's is because the only way to buy recipes is by doing the jc daily which you can only do once a day. so now every 3 days I get 2 recipe's instead of 1, and the way to make gold with jc is to sell as many different kinds of gems as possible.

Monday, December 13, 2010

weekly data report 3

I haven't done one of these in a while, but here is a nice screen shot of the addon that tracks all of my gold.
(what are the chances, as soon as I took the pic someone flew through my toon)

Well it looks like from just selling green gems and glyphs I have been able to make 10k gold, and I spent about 20k leveling professions. I'm just excited to be able to sell a ton of stuff now like I did before the end of wrath.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

LV 85

Ever since cata came out all i was doing was leveling up my hunter, and very little of anything else.

So I tried to farm to make some off that insane gold that you can make at the start of an expansion, but it got really boring so I gave up. instead I spent about 20k leveling up my engineering and jewel crafting.

Man this is a lot shorter of a post than I wanted it to be, I have been selling green gems for over 100g and that's about it so far, I have been spending to much time questing to be playing the ah, and I still have to level my priest to 85, uhhhhh.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Leroy Title

Well I was doing Blackrock spire on my mage and our group goes into a room with some dragonkins and eggs all over the floor. Then all of a sudden it dawned on me "this is the room were you get the Leroy Jenkins title, like from the video I've seen a million time". so our group promptly  wipes on the whelps and everyone leaves group. So I hop on my hunter to go get the easiest title to obtain in the game.

It wasn't as easy as I thought it would be (man I miss my volley :( ). So I run in their and turn my monkey pet boots on aggressive and start clearing trash. Then I get to the room with all the whelps and could not figure out how to open the eggs (all you have to do is make contact with them with your toon). So as I was gathering them all up my health started dropping really fast, and let me tell you it's pretty hard to kite 50+ mobs at the same time (not impossible but still pretty hard, I did) and when I got What I thought would be enough I dropped a frost trap/ disengaged and hit multi-shot two times in a row. Muti-shot + Improved serpent string + Serpent spread = Huge lag spike when used on 50+ mobs at the same time. So when my screen unfroze I had the achieve and a whole bunch of dead whelps.
  Then I did it again on my druid to get a nice screen shot of actually getting the achieve.
(it would have been so much easier if I had volley still:( )

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Boa Enchanting scrolls

While waiting for cata to come out I stopped selling anything that has to do with end game content. Because of that I only selling about 25% of what I usually do, mainly glyphs, boa enchants, and vendor flips.

The 3 most popular boa enchants are Fiery Weapon, +15 agility to weapon, and the +100 health to chest.
By most popular I mean the ones that are almost always going to sell, and easy to obtain. Of course the crusader enchant sell just as well, it's not as easy to get.

The best caster boa enchant is the mighty intellect enchant, and it's way easier to get than the old best caster boa enchant the +30 spellpower enchant that only drops from molten core bosses and has like a 1% drop rate. (I was lucky enough to see the spell power recipe on the AH for 4k gold)

The best rogue/hunter enchant is the +15 agility to weapon, and the best every other melee class enchant is the crusader enchant.

Just because those are the best 4 enchants doesn't mean people won't buy the other less popular ones as well.
Icy chill
Mighty Spirt
Chest-Greater Stats
Unholy Weapon
Boots-minor speed
2H-Weapon Agility

Making gold during cataclysm's launch

During the first couple of days and weeks after cats's launch the absolute best way to make gold is to farm herbs, ores, and skins. So if your miner, skinner, or herbalist, is not level 75 yet, you better start working on them now.

Now to let you know a little bit about me and farming.

I hate farming for anything.

I will only ever farm if I absolutely have to.(like when I really want an invisibility potion and there are none of the herbs required to make them on the ah) and I'm gonna farm during the first couple of weeks of cataclysm because of how ridiculously high you can post your stuff, and people will pay for it because everyone is gonna want to level their professions as fast as possible, and some of them even save up to buy them during launch.

Of course after the first couple of weeks of cata I'll never farm again.(those hours I spent flying around Sholazar Basin everyday still haunt me *shudders*)