Saturday, July 9, 2011

Le sigh

2 weeks into firelands and I haven't been making nearly as much as I thought I would.
Let me put it to you this way.

I am in charge of our guilds bank, and our guild is the 2nd or 3rd largest guild on our server, and we have 3 10-man teams that need fish and gems/scrolls/flask and what not. so I know what guilds need when they are getting ready for raids. so I stocked up like crazy on everything (man I wish i had a screen shot to put here) and had one huge ass stockpile for the next patch. Then when patch dropped I sold a ton of gems and enchants like i knew I would, but not as much as I thought I would.

I mean i ran out of greater eternal essences, and maelstrom crystals,but I didn't really stock up heavy on them. I had about 150 essences, no were near enough. but the thing is, I barley ran out, like yesterday. It seems either more people have entered the market, or more people prepared for the patch, which I know is not true.

Funny thing is, I know a lot of the compition :)
(maybe if I actually undercut them I would make amazing profits)

Any way, I had about 400 inferno ruby's pre-patch, and now I have about 100 left, but thats 2 weeks later, weird O.o .

Also a lot of the new items are gatted by the new daily quest, which I still have yet to do >:D
(maybe those will be money makers?)

or the new crafted gear that requires the raid only drops, I wonder if anyone would buy those considering how mush they cost. I know I won't make any yet, well not until more guild have more than 3 bosses down.

Well to conclude what ever it is I was talking about, this patch was no glyphmas :/