Saturday, May 14, 2011

Sales report 5-14-2011

Well I'm a little late on this.
Week 2 after the patch and sales are already declining. but to be honest I kind of ran out of stock lol.
So I bought a ton of crap and I'm a little overstocked now, but thats a good thing I guess. I tried a little trick in the glyph market that gave me some small profits, but it was interesting, I'll have to write about it.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

weekly sales report

Well this was the screen shot I took before I went on a spending spree. I spent about 60k of that so my profits were very minimal.

Seems like gems are selling out like crazy, as are enchanting scrolls. I have been able to sell a few scrolls that use maelstrom crystals, which is a good sign, enchanting might become more vauable.

I started selling potions to see if it's worth it. I have 3 alchemist and before I had two transmute specs and one elixir spec,  so i just changed one of my transmutes to a potion master to see if it was worth it. the answer?
yes and no.
the potions sale Farley well but the mats take up so much bag space, and they take forever to make.
Potion saleing is equivalent to bags pretty much. I sell them when i have the time or if I get a hold of cheap mats.

I'm also going to see if the turbo charged flying machine is worth adding to my list. I've made one so far yesterday and I will post about it when it sales and how long it took, and for what profit. I know it will sale if it's priced fairly reasonable, because I know i would have bought one on the ah if I had found one instead of going through the hell that was making one.
Mecho-hogs sell nicely too, and for a good profit since my engineer is a goblin with a lv25 guild.(30% discount on the vendor mats) I think these are saleing well because of the inflation that is cataclysm. The people that wanted the hogs in wrath but could not afford them are buying them with their new high incomes.